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L13 - Possessives

In English we have to learn many different forms of possessives, e.g. my, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, the dog's, etc.

In Thai we only need to learn one word:

korng possessive
(can also be used as a general term for things in a way that roughly equates to the English word 'stuff')

You place this word before a name or pronoun to show they own the subject of the sentence.

peu-an korng chan - my friend
bahn korng kao - his house
rot yon korng koon somchai - Somchai's car
mah korng koon john - John's dog

That is fairly straightforward. Here is one other ownership word:

jao korng owner


bahn nee korng krai ? - who owns this house?
bahn nee korng peu-an - this is my friend's house.

kon tee nun bpen krai ? - who is that person?
kon tee nun bpen peu-an korng chan - that person is my friend.

jao korng yoo nai ? - where is the owner?
jao korng bpai tee-ow - the owner has gone out.


'Korng' to mean 'thing' or 'stuff'

'Korng' can also be used as a general term for 'things' or 'stuff'. Here are a few examples:

seu buy
seu korng shopping
gep collect / put away
gep korng put things away
len play
korng len toys
jing true
korng jing genuine item
bplorm fake
korng bplorm fake item


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